Etzion Foundation

Mazal Tov on the 10th Anniversary of being students at Migdal Oz!

Please help us reach our goal, to provide scholarships for students in need of financial assistance so they can have the same amazing experience we had ten years ago.
Donation Goal: $50,000
$46,236 92%
Thank you to our supporters!
Rachel & Natan Bienstock
Ayelet & David Ellenbogen
Ayala & Gideon Glass
Aviva Grossman & Lenny Teitz
Barbara & Simcha Hochman
Yonina & Zev Jacobson
Esti & Benyamin Kaminetzky
Sarena & David Koschitzky
Nediva Koschitzky
Tali & Yekutiel Koschitzky
Michelle Levine & Dovi Nadel
Elisheva Rabinovich
Larry & Deena Rabinovich
Chaya & Adin Rayman
Robinson Family
Rivka & Shalom Rosenbaum
Elie & Talia Rosenberg
Menachem & Rena Schnaidman
Alita Teitz
Please register for the dinner by May 23, 2022